Realtor In South Florida

Florida Home Inspector

With home buying and home inspection being the trend these days, Florida home inspectors are increasingly in high demand. So how does one get started in this business? Are there franchise opportunities? What kind of training is involved?

If you are considering a career in home inspection, you may be interested in knowing the answers to the above questions.

Getting Started

Getting started in the business as a Florida home inspector is not as hard as you think it is. Yes, it’s a complex process. And yes, there are many things that you need to consider. But as long as you have the guts and the determination to push through with it, then you should be a successful Florida home inspector in no time. But in the mean time, here are a few considerations:

Franchise Options

Most Florida home inspectors do not have the necessarily capital to start a home inspection business on their own. There are substantial costs involved, not to mention the money you need in order to get to an accredited school to get the training that you need. Because of this, a lot of Florida home inspectors actually consider the option to franchise their business instead.

Most of the opportunities to become a Florida home inspector require that you make a substantial up front investment. Add to that the costs for materials and equipment and you absolutely need a source of capital for around $35,000, perhaps even more.

As a franchise, you would be paying the main company a percentage of your fees as a Florida home inspector. Now, the question is, are they worth the investment? Or would you be better off investing your money on tuition at an accredited home inspection school and start up costs in your own business. It is important that you weigh the matters over well. Often, the key to becoming a successful Florida home inspector is to understand the difference between making intelligent decisions and relying on pure guess work.


The experience that you need as a Florida home inspector does not have to be directly related with home inspection. Besides, when you’re still starting out, it is quite obvious that you have next to zero experience in home inspection, not unless you have been exposed to this type of job before. So all the experience that you really need can be indirect, such as spending several years in the building materials and construction industry. The knowledge, technical skills, and engineering sales you learned from your previous job provide you with an excellent foundation for becoming a successful Florida home inspector.


There are many training organizations that cater to Florida home inspectors out there. There are many associations of Florida home inspectors that you can join in order to gain access to training courses. However, no matter how many times you have trained and how long you have spent during each course, it doesn’t amount to the advantage of training under an experienced and recognized training organization. Remember that in the business of Florida home inspectors, a single word can go a long way. Reputation backed with trust and professionalism is important.

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